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The Intel 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor intended to be used as the CPU in a microcomputer. This is one step above 8085 (8-bit) microprocessor. The term "16-bit" means that its arithmetic logic unit, internal registers, and most of its instructions are designed to work with 16-bit binary words. The 8086 has a 16-bit data bus, so it can read data from or write data to memory and ports either 16

16 bits or 8 bits at a time. As its address bus is 20-bit wide, it can address memory upto 1,048,576 locations. Each of the 1MB locations represents bite-wide. Therefore it is necessary to study by experimentation how an 8086 microprocessor responds for various conditions.

Microprocessor trainer Model MPT-86, is an 8086 trainer. Using this trainer, students studying in, electronics, electrical, instrumentation, mechanical, chemical engineering subjects, B.Sc. (electronics, computers, and physics) laboratory, and polytechnics can learn programming an 8086 Microprocessor. This can be used to some extent for designing prototypes.


1. Hardware Features:

  • CPU 8086 with 6.144MHz crystal working in maximum/minimum mode.
  • Memory : 32K EPROM: 32K RAM
  • Keys : 24 Software programmable keys.
  • Display : 7 numbers of high bright 7 segment displays for Data and address.
  • I/O port : One 8255 programmable peripheral interface port
  • Software : Enter, Alter, Increment / Decrement address, Move, Fill, POS etc.
  • Built-in Power supply
  • Memory: 16 KB Monitor ROM organized as 8KB x 2 ROM 16 KB RAM organized as 8KB x 2 RAM
  • 50 pin flat cable termination for 24 parallel port lines using 8255

2. Software Features:

  • Program Entry:
  • Address field is 5 digits wide for the 20-bit address of 8086.
  • Address set and verifies ROM locations, verify / alter the contents of RAM locations.
  • Automatic address set to start of RAM at 00400h
  • Data is set / altered in memory immediately for each hex key entry.
  • Increment / decrement the address and display / alter the contents

3. Program Execution:

  • Program could be executed from the current user CS: IP contents.
  • Set a new CS: IP value through GO key. The code segment and instruction pointer valuesare automatically decoded by the system from the 5 digit address
  • Single step execution in RAM / ROM.
  • Break set facility. The break set could be cleared only through break clear function.
  • Break clear.
  • Facility for register display / alter the contents in REG mode or in STEP / execution with break

4. Program Editing:

  • Move a block of data.
  • Fill a block of RAM with constant data.

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