It is designed to offer the necessary hardware details and software procedures for using digital signal processing. DSP is a new technology and has made a technical revolution in the field of traditional analog applications from consumer to communication electronics and then to the computers to imaging. In DSPs, Most of the analog signals are converted into their equivalent digital signals, as in the case of (compact discs, cellular phones, paging multimedia etc.,) and after processing, they are reconverted into the analog signals. INTRODUCTION: The "C5 x DSK is one of the simplest TMS320C5 DSP application boards. Although no external memory is available on the board, the 10K on-chip RAM of the C50 provides enough memory for most DSP application programs. The kernel program is contained in the 32K, 8-bit PROM. The PROM is only for DSK boot loading and cannot be accessed after boot loading, as this portion of the on-chip memory was reserved for the kernel program. Specifications: - Industry standard TMS320C50 fixed DSPAT-1
- 50# sec. instruction cycle time
- 32K-byte PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
- Voice quality analog data acquisition via the TLC32040 (analog interface circuit and optional)
- Standard RCA connectors for analog input and output that provide direct connection to microphone and speaker.
- XDS510 emulator connector.
- I/O expansion bus for external design
- This trainer is interface to an IBM computer using RS232C' interface cable.
- Built-in power supplies.
- Bread boarding facilities for interface experiments.
- Necessary cables and connectors.
- Microphone
- Experimental disk for DSPAT Linker/Assembler/Loader
- Entire system is housed in an ergonomically designed cabinet
- 14-Bit analog to digital converter.
- 14-Bit digital to analog converter
- 9KB 16-Bit single-cycle on-chip program/data RAM
- User's manual is provided
- Technical manual will be provided. All the above facilities are available to the user for simultaneous applications in any combination.