Phase Shift Key (PSK) Modulation is a form of Binary Digital Modulation. The modulation process corresponds to a scheme of switching or keying the amplitude, frequency or phase of the carrier wave between Ones and Zeros. The result of this yields three different methods of modulation, they are FSK, ASK and PSK. In Phase shift key technique, a message signal of fixed amplitude and fixed carrier wave is used to denote Ones and Zeros. The phase of carrier and the message differs by 1800 It is represented in the form of S(t) = Ac . cos(2?fct) to represent Logic 1 and S(t) = Ac . cos(2?fct + ?) to represent Logic 1 In this trainer, necessary blocks with components are available to accomplish the above task. This unit requires an additional function generator and pulse generator in the range of 100Hz to 100KHz. An external dual beam Oscilloscope is required to observe the input output waveforms. The entire instrument is assembled in an ergonomically designed FRP cabinet. |