The Piezo electric transducer is one, which changes its state from mechanical to electric or vice versa. For example a) when a Piezo electric crystal is subjected to mechanical vibrations, an electrical output is produced. This principle is used for measuring the vibrations in a mechanical fixture b) When a Piezo electric crystal is excited electrically, the output is mechanical. This principle is used in audio buzzers. Piezo electric crystals are used in seismic instruments. There are several electrical and mechanical considerations to design a Piezo for a specific application. In this trainer, four Piezo electric crystals are used. These are placed on a metallic platform on four sides of the plate. Each is separated by a distance of 3 to 4 inches. Four high - Zi amplifiers are used. Each amplifier is connected with one transducer at its input terminals. The outputs of all the amplifiers are connected to sample and hold amplifier, through a switch selector. Two separate sets of terminals, one before sample-hold, the other set after. In order to create a measured quantity, of mechanical vibration, a jig is provided. Using this jig it would be possible to drop 20gm weight from different heights. It is be possible to make qualitative study only. Specifications: - Transducer: 4 numbers of Piezo transducers placed on a jig.
- Selector: 4-position selector switch is used to check the output from each transducer.
- Output: Two separate sets of output terminals are provided.
- Output directly from signal conditioner, b) from sample and hold also.
- Jig: Included.
- Built-in power supply.