Potential transformer (PT) is intended to measure high voltages in a circuit as a function of step-down voltage. While the PT provides a good isolation from the power circuit to measuring circuit, it is also used for safe instrumentation and control purposes. A potential transformer is an accurate transformer. This trainer has a potential transformer with 0.003mV / V input. Using this transformation, it would be possible to measure a secondary voltage in the range of 0 to 0.69V FSD. In order to accomplish the measurements, this trainer has two suitable voltmeters one for primary and secondary voltages. The scope of experiment restricts to measurement of turns ratio and a graph between primary voltage Vs secondary voltage. Power factor measurements are not within the scope of supply. Specifications: - Potential transformer scope : with 0.003mV / V input
- Maximum input : 230 V AC, single phase.
- Meters : 230 V AC analog type and 1V FSD digital
- VARIC : Continuously variable in the range of 0 to 230VAC@ 3A