This general purpose power supply can be used to power modern electronic circuits using digital and linear ICs, Op-Amps, NPN-PNP Transistors, FETs, UJTs, SCRs, Photo-Diods, Phototransistors, Opto-Isolators, Radio Receivers, Audio Amplifiers etc. which are normally encountered in electronics laboratories. This power supply is adjustable between 0 to + 30V, with a maximum load current of 2 Amps. This power supply is fitted with a voltmeter (0 to 30V) and a current meter (0 to 2 Amps). The power supply gives a constant current output with automatic crossover characteristics. For setting the cross point output voltage and current limits are to be accordingly set. For setting the voltage limits leave V- and V+ open adjust the voltage (Coarse) and (Fine) control unit the voltmeter reads the desired voltage. (This voltage becomes the voltage limit of the supply) for setting the current limit short the V- and V+ terminal on the front panel and adjust the current control unit the panel meter reads the desired current. (This current becomes the limit of the supply) remove the short circuit the power supply will operate within set voltage and current limits and will cross over from voltage mode to current mode when the load is increased and vice versa. The ground terminal can be used if any of the output terminals is to be grounded. Now the panel meter will continuously indicate the output voltage and load current. (This current becomes the limit of the supply) remove the short circuit the power supply will operate within set voltage and current limits and will cross over from voltage mode to current mode when the load is increased and Vice versa. |